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Interview: Isabella S

Due to technology problems--*glares at computer*--there is, sadly, no video recording. So, I typed the transcript (an abbreviated version, that is) while conducting the interview--to the letter, I might add. And may I just say, I died laughing--multiple times. So, without further ado:

Jana: Thank you so much for agreeing to do this, Ms. S. My first question for you is, when did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

Isabella: I think I was about 11, and I kept on writing like small chapter stories, and I really enjoyed it, but I didn’t really want to be like a real author-writer until I was 13

Jana: How long does it take you to write a book, on average?

Isabella: On average… uhh, that depends on my motivation which is very low and not very much because I usually don't do anything and sit in bed. But sometimes it takes me six months, unless I'm motivated, which is never, so yeah... six months if I ever do finish a book, which is still rare

Jana: What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

Isabella: 12-3 AM, usually. That's my best writing time, when I find my best inspiration, when Im able to write without editing because I'm tired, and it's just… awesome

Jana: What is your favorite thing about writing?

Isabella: Everything. No, hmm... Favorite thing, favorite thing… I guess being able to create my own characters and have them do what I want them to do, and create worlds inside my head, and it's just very fun

Jana: Are there any overarching features, themes, or relationships in your stories?

Isabella: Lots. Lots and lots and lots. Except I don't remember them at the moment, but I definitely have some.

Jana: *laughs* What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk, if you have one?

Isabella: Hmm… honestly, I don't know. Umm, let's see… most interesting writing quirk. I have no idea what my writing quirks are maybe you can tell me that, ha. *laughs*

Jana: What genres do you write?

Isabella: I write a lot of genres. Um, let's see… fiction, all my writing is fiction, and then within fiction, I do, uh…. Let's see, I have it.... Okay, okay, I got this. Mystery, that's one of my favorites, fantasy, that's another of my favorites, a little bit of sci-fi, that's about it--although I do a little fan-fiction and a little romance, sometimes, it depends. Sometimes.

Jana: What is your current project?

Isabella: My first main project currently is the Court of Dreams story with Addie and Sara. We each write separately and put it together in the end. My second main project is... Let me think... I have a few main projects, I just don't have the time for them yet. *pauses* Ohhhh that one! It's this one about a girl.

Jana: Oh my. *laughs*

Isabella: Yes. *laughs* Oh my goodness. Okay, okay, let me think *just stops*

Jana: Where do you get your ideas from?

Isabella: My head.

Jana: That is creative.

Isabella: Yes. *laughs* It depends, usually, I don't use writing prompts very often, but if I'm really stuck... I usually get ideas randomly or from my dreams, which are really weird

Jana: When did you start writing? What was the first thing you wrote? (by this point I was out of breath from laughing so hard)

Isabella: I was like 11-ish and I wrote a story that I don't quite remember what the title was, but it was about two girls who went into a jungle and died. *laughs at my laughter* My second story is something I posted on Dream Write Now because I was bored and wanted to up my word number, and it was that misty thing about bunnies... and that one, I wrote when I was like 11 and 1/2

Jana: What do you do when you aren't writing?

Isabella: I sit on my phone

Jana: You sit on it?

Isabella: *sighs, laughing* I get on my phone and I talk to friends and I do art and take care of my many pets

Jana: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Isabella: Hmmm…. What did I want to be... *gets excited* Oh, oh, I wanted to be like a dolphin trainer and I wanted to work at Clearwater Aquarium. I also wanted to be a professional lizard catcher.

Jana: What do you think makes a good story?

Isabella: Something that catches your attention, and makes you wish that you were inside the book instead of outside the book.

Jana: What is one of the most surprising things you learned from writing?

Isabella: That I am way more creative than I thought I was *laughs* Oh and there's something else... there's something else... it was on the tip of my tongue a second ago... wait, wait, wait... what have I learned about writing? Oh wait, what was the question again?

Jana: *is dying laughing*

Isabella: Jana, repeat the question again please! *laughs*

Jana: What is one of the most surprising things you learned from writing?

Isabella: I... I lost it, sorry, whatever I said before, yes

Jana: What is something you'd like to get across to your readers?

Isabella: You know, there really isn't anything in particular, I just write. I try... I try to write interesting stories, I just, I don't know if they're interesting. I think, but I don't know *laughs*

Jana: How do you relate to your characters while still maintaining a healthy distance?

Isabella: I do not. They [the main characters] are basically me, but not me, but me, if that makes sense. Like, I'm the one writing the book, I'm talking, but not talking, but I'm like writing. But the other characters are nothing like me

Jana: What is your favorite thing that you've written?

Isabella: Hmmm… so, usually, my favorite thing is the thing I'm currently writing, because I'm writing it, but when I go back and read it 6 months later, I hate it, so yea. But currently, my favorite thing is Livinia's memoirs.

A lot of other stuff happened afterwards--I read the transcript to her, we talked, we resolved that we were going to make a YouTube channel called "Interviews with Isabella" in which I would find stuff to interview her on and do so (Will we ever do that? No, we probably won't get around to it) and some more stuff. And, eventually, we had to go--I to work on school, and she to clean. So yeah, I thought I'd spare you guys of weird ramblings.

So, anyways, see you next Monday! :)

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